Investment decisions can get very complex. Our performance attribution tool PEARL helps asset managers and asset owners to master this complexity.

Obtain deep insights by means of decision-based attribution. This includes multi asset attribution, including allocations to private assets, and measuring the impact of currency hedges and other overlay strategies.

Our Solution

PEARL is Ortec Finance’s leading technology for Performance Measurement, Attribution, Ex-Post Risk and GIPS composites.

PEARL is also the backbone of our fully outsourced Investment Performance Service (IPS).

Download PEARL brochure

The Currency Dimension cover

Download our latest whitepaper: The paper discusses the currency dimension from the perspective of performance measurement and attribution. How should we look at currency risk, how is it typically managed and what analytical frameworks do we have at our disposal to get better insight in the added value of currency decisions?

Download the whitepaper

Why choose PEARL?

  • Superior Analytics: Easily build fund hierarchies to analyze even the most complex investment and overlay strategies
  • Advanced Data Management Tooling: Efficiently manage high volumes of data, using PEARL’s advanced data quality and audit controls
  • Extensive Reporting Suite: Self-service reporting via a web portal for quick and easy insight into the drivers of your fund’s performance and easy connection to other platforms and reporting tools with PEARL’s API

PEARL for Asset Owners

Enhance your performance by mastering the complexity of investment decision making

Investment decisions are continuously reviewed to quantify how much value they add. These range from strategic asset allocation to sector bets in global equity portfolios. Our Performance Measurement and Attribution solution for pension funds, insurance companies, endowments and sovereign wealth funds captures all asset classes and strategies by a wide range of attribution models. This helps to explain sources of your active return as well as the impact of investments on funding ratio or solvency levels.

Find out more here

PEARL for Asset Managers

Supporting asset managers across multiple investment areas and management styles

Demonstrate the added value of your investment strategies with a wide range of attribution models for all asset classes on a single platform.

Leveraging our expertise in the institutional space, we understand the sophisticated demands from your clients.

The fully automated and integrated workflow is there to support your daily processes making the process more efficient.

Find our more here


All our deployment options give access to the web-based, self-service reporting tool. In combination with the API functionality, this gives you direct access to the results including full look-through in a flexible format. 

The software comes with an intuitive web-based user interface for data management, configuration and workflow support. The PEARL software is based on a solid IT architecture to handle large amounts of data in an efficient way.

Licensed Deployment

Reliable software deployment, with support from our experts

The PEARL software is made available as a SaaS solution via a private cloud.

PEARL comes with intuitive and automated workflow support and can be seamlessly integrated into any environment. 





Investment Performance Service (IPS)

Outsourcing service for accurate, appropriate and timely performance reporting

We offer a fully managed Investment Performance Service (IPS) for organizations that want to outsource the performance measurement and attribution function.

At the core of our service lies our proprietary technology, PEARL. Tailoring our service to meet client specific needs, our integrated Report Designer crafts performance reports to individual demands.

Want to discover how PEARL gives insight into the quality of your investment decisions?

Request a demo


Investment Performance whitepapers 

PEARL and currency 1/3: The Currency Dimension

In this whitepaper, we take a closer look at the currency dimension from the perspective of performance measurement and attribution.

It considers how we should look at currency risk, how it is typically managed and what analytical frameworks do we have at our disposal to get better insight in the added value of currency decisions?



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PEARL and currency 2/3: Currency Overlay Attribution: A Practical Guide

In our practical guide, we take a detailed look at currencies within performance measurement & attribution.

We describe a consistent and interpretable framework to measure and evaluate the performance of the Investment Decision Process (IDP) and address the question of how to evaluate the market exposures and currency overlay individually, along with how to combine the results.

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Multi-period performance attribution paper re-published

This re-published multi-period performance attribution paper describes a framework for an allocation effect taking active weight drift into account. 

First published by the Journal of Performance Measurement in 2015.




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Interested to see more, see our performance measurement and attribution related insights.  

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Client Story

  • Railpen
  • Varma

Railpen improves insight into the performance and attribution of scheme assets through the integration of private markets data

Paul Farrar, Head of Investment Analytics at Railpen: “The collaboration between Ortec and Burgiss provides a holistic analysis across multiple asset classes, and a simplified Operating model for combining two of our key data sets. Through this partnership we are provided with a single, optimized dataset readily retrievable through established data flows. This helps us have a clear understanding of the value of assets individually and collectively and informs the decisions we take on behalf of the members we serve.”

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Varma transforms investment performance management with Ortec Finance's PEARL solution

Antti Ihalainen, Head of Middle Office, Varma: "Ortec Finance's PEARL solution has truly enhanced our performance measurement and attribution capabilities. Varma's investment organization benefits from increased understanding of the sources of value-added and from detailed assessment of our investment decisions. With PEARL, we've gained invaluable insights into our investments, streamlined our investment portfolio reporting, and have become more adaptable for any possible future changes in our investment processes. The implementation went smoothly with the expert guidance and training provided by Ortec Finance, and it was completed on time and within budget." 

Read client story

A few of our customers

Union Investment
Blue Sky Group
University of Toronto Asset Management Corporation
Investment Data Services


If you would like to receive more information or have any questions, please contact us below.

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