R&D Labs works on research projects of which the results are published in working papers and in external scientific articles and journals. Our researchers regularly speak at seminars and conferences, and they maintain contacts with other research institutions such as Inquire Europe, Netspar, and universities.
Several of our researchers are associated with universities in the Netherlands. They lecture and publish research on a regular basis.
University of Amsterdam
Erasmus University Rotterdam
University of Groningen
Marc Francke, Head of Real Estate Research within R&D Labs, Professor of Real Estate Valuation in the Department of Real Estate Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Business.
Patrick Tuijp, Senior Quantitative Financial Analyst, affiliated with the Finance Group at the Faculty of Economics and Business.
Hens Steehouwer, Head of Research, affiliated with the Econometric Institute.
Bert Kramer, Senior Business Specialist, affiliated with both the Faculty of Economics and Business, and the Faculty of Spatial Sciences.