Bringing transparency to the performance of investment
decisions at New Zealand Superannuation Fund. In collaboration with Ortec Finance, the New Zealand Superannuation Fund (NZSF)
implemented PEARL, Ortec Finance’s performance attribution system in 2013.
calculates returns for portfolio investments and compares these to a wide range of
benchmarks. It also provides information about the overall level of risk in the portfolio.
The new system significantly improves the depth and granularity of the Fund’s
performance reporting, helping us to make better investment decisions.
Bringing transparency to the performance of investment
decisions at New Zealand Superannuation Fund. In collaboration with Ortec Finance, the New Zealand Superannuation Fund (NZSF)
implemented PEARL, Ortec Finance’s performance attribution system in 2013.
calculates returns for portfolio investments and compares these to a wide range of
benchmarks. It also provides information about the overall level of risk in the portfolio.
The new system significantly improves the depth and granularity of the Fund’s
performance reporting, helping us to make better investment decisions.