Explore the tangible impact of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) methodology in real-world scenarios through a compelling case study. Discover how Portaal, one of the largest Dutch housing associations in the Netherlands, successfully implemented their investment strategy using AHP, emphasizing the alignment of their mission with actionable objectives.
Understanding Portaal's Mission
Delve into Portaal's mission, where a commitment to providing affordable housing, maintaining livable environments, and prioritizing specific groups, such as the mentally/physically challenged and homeless, set the foundation for their decision-making process.
Translating Mission into Objectives
Learn how Portaal translated its mission into measurable objectives, backed by data from Arnhem and Amersfoort. Explore Portaal's success in accommodating target income groups and identify areas where goals were surpassed or fell short, providing a comprehensive overview of their housing initiatives.
Comparing (Social) Objectives for Decision-Making
Explore the six strategic objectives of Portaal, emphasizing the organization's commitment to lower-income groups, people with special needs, and customer satisfaction in neighborhoods. Visualize Portaal's prioritization through relative market shares and objective weight vectors to compare social objectives in a consistent way.
By examining this real-life case, we gain valuable insights into how AHP can be a game-changer in the dynamic landscape of housing associations, marrying social impact with financial sustainability.
Learn more
Interested in the complete case study including numbers, download the white paper Comparing (social) objectives for decision-making in housing association.
For questions, please contact David Kronbichler, find contact details below.